Testimony in USC case before labor relations board administrative judge could be wrapping up

 Source:sport Views: 【BigSmall】 Time:2024-06-03 19:38:02 Number of comments:

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A National Labor Relations Board complaint against the University of Southern California that alleges student-athletes should be classified as employees could be entering a new stage by the end of the week.

In a statement to The Associated Press, USC said the final set of witnesses for all three entities named in the complaint — the university, the NCAA and the Pac-12 Conference — will testify when the hearing resumes Tuesday for three days before an administrative judge in Los Angeles.

The NLRB’s Los Angeles office filed its complaint last May and amended it three months later. It alleges players on USC’s football and men’s and women’s basketball teams are employees and not “student-athletes” within the meaning of the National Labor Relations Act.

The NCAA and Pac-12 are part of the complaint because the NLRB considers them joint employers. The NLRB also said the school, national governing body and conference have misclassified players as student-athletes and cited examples from USC’s student-athlete handbook.